When your baby hits this momentous milestone, it's so fun to go ALL OUT and plan a fully themed party for 100 of your closest relatives and friends...But don't forget to schedule your Cake Smash Session too!

What is a Cake Smash Session you ask?? Well, here at In the Light Creative Studio, we start with a portrait, then move on to smashing up the cake of your choosing, and follow it up with a cute little splash in the tub to clean it all off! It's fun, adorable, and most of all, easy for you! I do all the set up AND clean up, you just bring the baby and the cake!
Do keep in mind that every babe is different--some love the cake + eat their fill + make a huge mess...some babies are simply not impressed and barely pick at it. No matter the case, the final results are guaranteed to make you smile and the session itself creates a new core memory!
Personally, my favorite part of these sessions is the splash! A few moments at the end to get your little one all cleaned up before you take them home. For parents, the best part is that you get to leave the mess to
Want to do something special like this with your little one? Connect with me to today and let's get planning!